We’ve got some great new products to try. The ever favourite mudshake comes in Pina Colada flavour now and with every purchase of a four pack you will receive a parfait/milkshake glass (while quantities last). The Vincor company is introducing a new wine on the market – ‘Open’. Also a new Canadian vodka that is said to be hangover free and to be infused with an herb that ‘cures’ all that ails you – check it out on their official website (just click on Signature Vodka below).
Mudshake – in a new flavour for summer – Pina Colada
Open VQA - a new Canadian wine from the people that bring you Jackson Triggs – Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot/Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot
Signature Vodka – this vodka is from a company in Montreal, Quebec and is reputed to be hangover free.
Alive coolers in Mixed Berry flavour
White Owl Rye Whisky from Highwood Distillers based in High River, Alberta
Glenrothes Select Reserve Scotch – this scotch has a full malty flavour, medium sweet, vanilla and orange zest on the palate. If you don’t believe me check out their website.